Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sharanam, Surrender is the complete renunciation of his works to the Supreme Will

Sharanam , Surrender is a progressive self abandonment but with the most intense actuality of dynamic self giving, the complete renunciation of his works to the Supreme Will.

By degrees his mind of an imperfect human intelligence will be replaced by a spiritual and illumined mind and that can in the end enter into the supramental Truth -Light; he will then no longer act from his nature of Ignorance with its three modes of confused and imperfect activity, but from a diviner nature of spiritual calm, light, power and bliss. Act only as the conscious instrument of the eternal Worker. No longer giving the sanction, he will rather receive in his instruments and follow in her hands a divine mandate. No longer doing works, he will accept their execution through him by her unsleeping Force. No longer willing the fulfillment of his own mental constructions and the satisfaction of his own emotional desires, he will obey and participate in an omnipotent Will that is also and omniscient knowledge and a mysterious , magical, and unfathomable Love and vast bottomless sea of the eternal Bliss of Existence ; Sri Aurobindo

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