I am founder of Sharanam Yoga, which mission is Healing through Surrender. Here Surrender means yield to overcome , the power of non resistance . So well described by Eckhart Tolle . Enjoy.
Yield to Overcome: The Power of Nonresistance....Nonresistance doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing. All it means is that any “doing” becomes nonreactive. Remember the deep wisdom underlying the practice of Eastern martial arts: Don’t resist the opponent’s force. Yield to overcome.
Having said that, “doing nothing” when you are in a state of intense presence is a very powerful transformer and healer of situations and people. In Taoism, there is a term called wu wei, which is usually translated as “actionless activity” or “sitting quietly doing nothing.” In ancient China, this was regarded as one of the highest achievements or virtues. It is radically different from inactivity in the ordinary state of consciousness, or rather unconsciousness, which stems from fear, inertia, or indecision. The real “doing nothing” implies inner nonresistance and intense alertness.
On the other hand, if action is required, you will no longer react from your conditioned mind, but you will respond to the situation out of your conscious presence. In that state, your mind is free of concepts, including the concept of non- violence. So who can predict what you will do?
The ego believes that in your resistance lies your strength, whereas in truth resistance cuts you off from Being, the only place of true power. Resistance is weakness and fear masquerading as strength. What the ego sees as weakness is your Being in its purity, innocence, and power. What it sees as strength is weakness. So the ego exists in a continuous resistance-mode and plays counterfeit roles to cover up your “weakness,” which in truth is your power.
Until there is surrender, unconscious role-playing constitutes a large part of human interaction. In surrender, you no longer need ego defenses and false masks. You become very simple, very real. “That’s dangerous,” says the ego. “You’ll get hurt. You’ll become vulnerable.” What the ego doesn’t know, of course, is that only through the letting go of resistance, through becoming “vulnerable,” can you discover your true and essential invulnerability.
Excerpted from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, pages 215-216
Rays of fresh crisp streams of light
Kissing the third eye awake
New ideas, new beginnings
The sweet little new born lambs are hopping freely
Excited by the opportunity of experiencing
their innocence and joyfulness
In the meadows of everlasting green peace
Yellow Hyacinths peaking curious out the cold winter earth
Knowing it is safe to face Reality
Sweet enlightening Spring
So charming and courageous in the same time
It says "I have the right to be "
Melting snow coming down the mountain tops
Rivers of fearful being purified into fearlessness
Now is the moment to wake up
The winter sleep of darkness is over
Allow the graceful wind softly caressing ignorance
away into your full potential of Light and Truth
Poem by Jennieke Janaki
watercolour by Jennieke
Sharanam , Surrender is a progressive self abandonment but with the most intense actuality of dynamic self giving, the complete renunciation of his works to the Supreme Will.
By degrees his mind of an imperfect human intelligence will be replaced by a spiritual and illumined mind and that can in the end enter into the supramental Truth -Light; he will then no longer act from his nature of Ignorance with its three modes of confused and imperfect activity, but from a diviner nature of spiritual calm, light, power and bliss. Act only as the conscious instrument of the eternal Worker. No longer giving the sanction, he will rather receive in his instruments and follow in her hands a divine mandate. No longer doing works, he will accept their execution through him by her unsleeping Force. No longer willing the fulfillment of his own mental constructions and the satisfaction of his own emotional desires, he will obey and participate in an omnipotent Will that is also and omniscient knowledge and a mysterious , magical, and unfathomable Love and vast bottomless sea of the eternal Bliss of Existence ; Sri Aurobindo
Dive into Fish Pose to find endless healing properties inspired by the vast ocean. Fish Pose or Matsyasana is traditionally known as the “destroyer of all diseases” because of its many benefits. The stress of the day and slumping over in a chair or in a car, can take a toll on the back, neck, and shoulders. Create physical opening in the back, neck, and shoulder area in Fish Pose, and reinstate a feeling of balance, feeling more grounded, and allowing us to feel confident and open to new experiences and people that pass in and out of our lives.
The benefits of Fish Pose include: expanding and opening in the chest and the ribcage, expanding the lung capacity, stretching the hip flexors, strengthening the muscles in the neck and back, relieving pressure on the nerves, stretching the throat and the belly, promoting good posture and stimulating the thyroid and parathyroid glands (endocrine glands helping to regulate metabolism, growth, and sleep patterns).
To do the fish pose. Come and lay on your back...measure your straight arms touching your outer thighs...press your elbows down into the earth, mat, while you lift the chest up , opening the heart and bend your head back, touching the crown of the head with the mat, earth as comfortable as possible.Measure your hands again against your thighs, which will make sure that your shoulders are away from your ears and relaxed .......breath fully in your lungs, who can draw now more prana, life force into itself, because of the opening you have created in the pose ..breath calmly in and out of your nose...point your toes down and feel like the fish floating the waters of deep consciousness.....enjoy and feel yourself in the pose.....namaste Jennieke Janaki
The image of a sturdy tree, such as a Oak tree offers an ideal focus to help you get in touch with your inner strength and conquer fear. This picture helps to ground you, surrender, sharanam in time and space, bringing deep calm and the assurance that you have the resources to survive any experience.......Then to release old self images and to inspire new ways of being to emerge, mentally repeat these affirmations.....i have the strength to endure the upheavals of life......i am grounded and secure.....I embody courage....I draw sustenance from the world around me.....Namaste
Which door will open next....behind every door is a different reality...thats why it is important to make decisions with a peaceful, balanced mind...a mind in a state of Yoga..which Patanjali describes as the ability to direct the mind exclusively towards an object and sustain that direction without any distraction. (Sutra 1.2 ). As long as this state is not realized , man cannot link with the Truth, God, Supreme Knowing.His senses cannot be restrained.Instability in succes."
Relax your mind through the mind releasing force of Surrender, Sharanam.