Saturday, February 21, 2015

Divine Sweetness is our Heavenly Essence

A Sweet Journey of Feelings.Inspirational, enlightening poetry,imagery...Namaste;We are One.Reconnected, Safe again through the Force of Divine Love back into the peaceful everlasting Source of Joy.......

Book.Divine Sweetness are love inspirations coming from the Goddess Saraswati.; the flowing one. Full of creation and so fertile.Waiting to make more beauty. Full of love and so calm.On the banks of the river Saraswati, we hear so much laughter; deep coming from her pure heart.Purified by the flow of her holy water; she brings knowledge and music to remove our ignorance;avidya. She is the muse for poets, musicians, artists. Carrier of our real essence, she is the consort of Brahma; the creator. So fertile and Pure. Oh flowing river; Saraswati. Let us be with you in a little boat on your vast river, so we all can flow with you like the gracious white swan and realize , that we are all One,reunited in Divine Sweetness. ........

This is what is written about the book....Spirit is Talking to You: True Stories of Signs, Wonders, Inspiration, Love and Connection ... Jennieke Janaki writes poetry in a beautiful touching way . A wonderful pleasant read of 60 soul opening poems...where you will find your heart touched in many ways. She shares her view of living and flowing just as is......Feel yourself immersed in the moment and carried away in oneness. Totally recommend this as a lovely gift for yourself or your loved ones. Jennieke Janaki is a yogapractitioner since 1989 and you can feel that she has a great understanding of life and being in the moment as ....I am...You are a way of living.....enjoy her intimate poems and photographes , which she collected on her road as a topmodel, yogini, photographer, mother....namaste in peace ....Divinely Inspired, Spiritual Awakening of a Soul.....Enjoy her Divine Sweetness ...

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